Australiana Between the Flags

A colleague of a client had completed their in time Australia and was heading back to Canada. In that time they’d become a keen surfer while in Australia so wanted to give a surfboard with a very Australian theme. The turnaround time on this one was very tight and first time I’d ever properly airbrushed a piece so a real matter of laying the tracks right infront of the oncoming train.

Airbrush on Fibreglass Surfboard – 0.5 x 1.8m (20” x 6’3”)

Australiana Between the Flags

How to Draw & Paint: Masterclass 03: Shoe Still Life Oil Painting

I recently completed a shoe still life painting for the 2011 Foot Locker Art Prize and created an accompanying free time lapse video tutorial of the painting from start to finish. This is a new addition to the How to Draw & Paint: Masterclass series and hope you enjoy!

How to Draw & Paint: Masterclass 03: Shoe Still Life Oil Painting by from Matt Elder on Vimeo.

Below is the finalised painting – “Running Against the Sun”, Oil Still Life Painting Oil on Gessoboard – 30.5 x 40.5cm (12 x 16 inches).

Running Against the Sun Shoe Still Life Oil Painting

Artist of the Week (x2) … and other ‘appearances’.

I was recently selected by a deviantart group, DA-Art-Gallery, as their artist of the week from 2,500 members. I was pretty humbled when asked to supply a quick blurb about it all so check it out at:

A few days later I was selected by another deviantart group, Aus-Art, as their artist of the week from 1,300 members. Great way to start the week and you can check it out at:

I was also asked to judge a Autumn Art Leaf Competition for Small World Children’s Boutique. Always interesting being on the other side of competitions and judging:

And last but not least, my good friends over at Black Mermaid Productions gave a plug to my How to Draw Basics series. They have great posts on everything from being creative through to the legal side and upcoming events (for those into that, a must read):

Joker on

My Joker painting is featured on a major comics website of best art ever (for the week) along side some of my comic heroes (Moebius, Bill Sienkiewicz, Chris Bachalo, Tim Townsend, Humberto Ramos and Mike Mignola). Being image number 2 on the page makes it all the more sweeter:

Joker Pin-up

Pencils & Inks by Mike Deodato Jr.
Colours by Matt Elder (me)

Joker Pin-up Oil Painting

Had a lot of fun with my Wolverine as Indiana Jones oil painting so I thought I might try another. Next in line is this Joker painting.

Joker Pin-up

Pencils & Inks by Mike Deodato Jr.
Colours by Matt Elder (me)

Wolverine as Indiana Jones Oil Painting

Thought I’d take my love of oil painting and apply it to my love of comics and came up with this Wolverine as Indiana Jones painting. First time I’ve ever really tried to oil paint a comic character and first time using someone else’s linework. Learnt so much doing this piece and was the most fun I’ve had painting in years… maybe I should try another…

Wolverine as Indiana Jones

Pencils by Adam Hughes
Inks by Tim Townsend
Colours by Matt Elder (me)

Unknown Heroes: Anzac Soldier I – New Painting

Late last year I made a trip to Anzac Cove in Gallipoli (Turkey) and was inspired to do this painting:
Unknown Heroes: Anzac Soldier I

My style is still evolving and changing so while there are many elements here I thought worked well as a first time attempt, there are still some I’d like to fix (translation – I’ll probably do another in the future).

Always love to hear people’s comments.

How to Draw & Paint: Masterclass 02: Self Portrait Oil Painting by

I’ve just recently finished my yearly self portrait oil painting and this time created an accompanying free time lapse video tutorial of the painting from start to finish. This is a new addition to the How to Draw & Paint: Masterclass series and hope you enjoy! Feel free to drop me a line if you are interested in getting a portrait commission:

How to Draw & Paint: Masterclass 02: Self Portrait Oil Painting by from Matt Elder on Vimeo.

Below is the finalised painting – “Good Morning”, Oil on Canvas 51 x 71 cm (20 x 28 Inches) .
Good Morning - Self Portrait Oil Painting

How to Draw: MasterClass 01: Ayers Rock / Uluru & The Olgas / Kata Tjuta

I’ve created a new series of videos called “MasterClass”. Here the idea is to see artworks / sketches created combining all techniques and ideas learnt in the How to Draw: Basics series. This video show sketching on site at Ayers Rock and The Olgas in the outback of Australia. The thought process and ideas in creating the sketches are discussed.

How to Draw: Masterclass 01: Ayers Rock / Uluru, The Olgas / Kata Tjuta – Watercolour Speed Painting by from Matt Elder on Vimeo.

This Masterclass video goes through several quick sketches / watercolour speed paintings executed onsite in the outback of Australia (Ayers Rock and The Olgas in the Northern Territory). Discussion is made about quickly capturing an impression of the landscape and the thought process considered during various compositions. The basic steps for this type of En plein air sketching are outlined and repeated in each of the 3 demonstrations here. Final comments are made about using these preparatory sketches for future artworks / paintings.

Various sections times are:

00:00 Introduction & Location
01:03 Sketch 1 – Ayers Rock / Uluru
05:15 Sketch 2 – The Olgas / Kata Tjuta
10:06 Sketch 3 – Ayers Rock / Uluru
14:44 Closing Comments & Paintings

Note: Sketches are played back at 3 times normal speed.

How to Draw: The Basics of a Playstation Controller and Peanut Butter Jar

This video continues to build on skills learnt in the previous video “How to Draw: The Basics of Lines…”. Using simple shapes of boxes, cubes, ellipses and cylinders, we build up to drawing a peanut butter jar and a Playstation controller.

How to Draw: The Basics of a Playstation Controller and Peanut Butter Jar by from Matt Elder on Vimeo.

Various section times are:

00:00 Introduction and Overview of drawings made in this video
01:41 Peanut Butter Jar
09:42 Playstation Controller Overview
11:00 3D Visual Breakdown
13:54 Playstation Controller Construction Lines
33:37 Playstation Controller Final Sketch Lines

Click photos below for high resolution versions used in the video / 3D file:

Playstation Controller by Matt Elder Perspective Photo
Playstation Controller by Matt Elder Perspective Photo
Playstation Controller by Matt Elder top view
Playstation Controller by Matt Elder top view
Playstation Controller by Matt Elder Side View
Playstation Controller by Matt Elder Side View

Playstation Controller Zip file containing .blend file

Matt Elder is a commercial artist who works for a video games company, along with painting traditional oil paintings for private clients and dabbling in 3D.