This video continues to build on skills learnt in the previous video “How to Draw: The Basics of Lines…”. Using simple shapes of boxes, cubes, ellipses and cylinders, we build up to drawing a peanut butter jar and a Playstation controller.
How to Draw: The Basics of a Playstation Controller and Peanut Butter Jar by from Matt Elder on Vimeo.
Various section times are:
00:00 Introduction and Overview of drawings made in this video
01:41 Peanut Butter Jar
09:42 Playstation Controller Overview
11:00 3D Visual Breakdown
13:54 Playstation Controller Construction Lines
33:37 Playstation Controller Final Sketch Lines
Click photos below for high resolution versions used in the video / 3D file:

- Playstation Controller by Matt Elder Perspective Photo

- Playstation Controller by Matt Elder top view

- Playstation Controller by Matt Elder Side View
Playstation Controller Zip file containing .blend file
Matt Elder is a commercial artist who works for a video games company, along with painting traditional oil paintings for private clients and dabbling in 3D.